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Dexter quoted in The New York Times

Yesterday, Robin Finn's piece in The New York Times quoted Dexter Guerrieri on the subject of our latest exclusive townhouse listing at 305 West 71st Street: "The living room and the master bedroom offer the kind...

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Dexter Quoted in The New York Times

Last Friday, Julie Satow's terrific piece in The New York Times quoted Dexter on the subject of the Manhattan townhouse market: "Townhouses are a niche in the luxury market, representing a small fraction of the...

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Why Own a Townhouse?

An Excerpt from Mondays with DexterDear Friends, What makes townhouses so special? Why are Manhattan brownstones still desirable after a century or more? Here is the first in our series explaining the unique strength of...

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Sold! East 38th Street

Sold! East 38th StreetDexter Transforms a Small House into a New York Times “Big Deal” Located on East 38th Street off Park Avenue, this single-family townhouse offered both original detail and significant interior renovation. However,...

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